Appreciate the simple pleasures, the little things you experience daily that make your life beautiful.
You’ve heard people say it, you’ve seen it everywhere… but what does it actually mean to “romanticize your life”?
One of the best ways to think of this is in terms of finding simple ways to express gratitude, find magic in and add beauty to your daily experience so you can live your ideal life - NOW.
treat yourself
Just walking out the front door seems to cost $100+ these days, right?!
And while some things, like buying fresh flowers, upgrading your threadcount or going to a spa, are certainly not free…
You can examine your daily routine and see where and when you’re able to “squeeze in” a way to “slurge”. You can…
Drink your coffee or tea - and do nothing else - simply enjoy it.
Add eucalyptus to your shower (healing properties/spa-like)
Upgrade your loungewear
Choose a “signature” fragance
Drink ANY beverage out of a wine glass - instantly luxurious!
reclaim your leisure
Notice the little things in your life that you do that make you happy JUST FOR YOU - and DO them.
Want ice cream? Eat some! Like to read? Join a book club! Love nature? Hike or run outside!
Make yourself a full breakfast - think smoothie, avocado toast, overnight oats, eggs - whatever your favorite is. Put on your favorite robe and enjoy it the way you would if you were on vacation!
If dinner is more your style - plan a meal you’ll look forward to all day and make it fancy. Go all out - make yourself an appetizer, entrée and add a dessert-course.
Instantly your seemingly ordinary experiences have an air of sophistication about them.
set the scene
Don’t be afraid to get creative. Your surroundings can definitely influence the way you experience your daily life. Creating an ambiance you enjoy being in, even when just living life “as usual” can do wonders.
Print your most meaningful photos or some artwork in black and white then display them in uniform gold or black frames easily creating an elegant and aesthetic display for you to enjoy.
If you’re able, add designer wallpaper or paint the walls in your home (or at least your bedroom) a calm or soothing tone. Sage, white, ivory, cream are all shades that exude relaxation.
Installing dimmer switches or updating your lightbulbs to natural light soft bulbs can actually signal your brain to relax.
Having a red or dark shade bedroom complete with what can feel like florescent lighting can feel abrasive, especially in an area where you’re meant to feel relaxed.
It can seem a bit silly to think appreciating “little things” can have any impact on your daily and long-term life and outlook, but it can.
Just taking a walk along the beach, peeling yourself away from your devices or doing gentle exercise can literally make you feel better.
Expressing excitement and gratitude for those “little luxuries” in your life can help you get through your day. If it is a “good” day - those are “extras” and if it is a not-so-good day… those things make your day tolerable.
Things aren’t perfect for anyone, no matter what is perceived. Just embrace the beauty of your life and know you deserve to have even the little moments feel extraordinary.